We will pay you to move, Really!

We understand that one of the most stress full parts of selling your home (besides the selling it) is the actual move it self. Just think you will be packing and moving 5, 10, or maybe 50 years worth of personal contents and relocating to a new home. Just writing about this is stressing me, I can only imagine what you feel.
This is why we came up with our Move Out Assistance Program. In having bought hundreds of homes we found a common problem with almost all of them… the move out process. Here is what our Move Out Assistance Program is meant to help solve…
Get you a moving company or moving truck to help make your move easier ( having to call friends/family for help or to borrow a truck or making multiple trips can be a real hazel) The goal is one trip and done.
- Giving a deposit on your new place ( look we get it, sometimes we all get strapped for cash) You may need money to give a deposit on your new place or just to help turn on utilities, let us know and we can help
- You may have tenants and they need the help instead of you ( This has been one of the greatest benefits we bring to landlords) sometimes the ones that need the help are the your tenants, this can be use to help them.
If your situation is not listed above, thats ok. Give us a call and tell us your situation. We may have a solution to that problem too, just because its not listed above doesn’t mean we haven’t solved. Our motto is “We don’t just buy houses, we solve problems”, even if its a moving problem.
Fill out the form to the right to get started on solving your house selling problem (or moving problem 😉
or click on this link if you would like to learn more about us, it will take you to our website
– Fast House Buyers